Book Suggestions for Construction Project Managers

Project Management Books for Your Library

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Project management books are a great set of resources to keep your skills sharp in the construction industry. Project managers (PMs) and scheduling managers must be continuously on the lookout for trends and approaches within the business to maintain their position in the industry. One may achieve this through enrolling in some online courses and classes. PMs can make use of these books to major into marketing, planning, product design, and development to hone their skills. Some of the best construction project management books to read to maintain their lead positions in innovations and changes include the following:

1. The One Thing – By Gary Keller and Jay PapasanThis book talks of reorganizing your work life. It educates you on building momentum and getting a team to accomplish more work to attain the objectives and develop a less stressful working environment for the employees. The idea shared by the book is quite simple; therefore, companies and PMs ought to read one book at a time and avoid multitasking, resulting in the project managers’ tasks being more productive.

The benefit of reading this book is that it works backward, helping you to understand what you want to attain in the future as well as what operations you can implement to achieve the goal. The book achieves its purpose by asking the following: what do you want to gain in the next decade? What about the next five years? 1 year? Month? Week?

If you are a project manager and get overwhelmed and distracted, you should have The One Pick book in your library. The book will assist you in focusing on the work and narrowing down what is essential in your daily work life and career.

2. What The Heck is EOS? – By Gino Wickman and Tom Bouwer

The book serves as an empirical guideline for teams striving to implement EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) into their computers. The book gears the basics:

  • What is EOS
  • What is an operating system?
  • What are the EOS and foundational tools, and how do they benefit me?
  • Why is my company using EOS?

The book gets rid of jargon and elaborates what EOS is in an understandable manner. The book is composed of continuous chapters that PMs will find necessary for engaging and motivating their teams. It gives points to the PMs to ask employees for feedback to measure satisfaction levels, encourage creativity, and highlight pain points.

According to the authors, simple recommendations can lead to a conversation and motivate team members to share their ideas. The PMs can use the ideas to enhance the workflows and avert any internal barriers that may affect prolificacy.

A construction manager in search of a way to relate with his team is recommended to read this book because it explains how employers can help the employees comprehend the reasons organizations make use of EOS and how to start a discussion on enhancing it.

3. The Lazy Project Manager: How to be Twice as Productive and Still Leave the Office Early – By Peter Taylor

In this book, Peter Taylor makes his case for PMs to switch to more effective and focused procedures and avoid traditional workflows. He debates that lazy people have the margin over workaholics because their mindset is focused on a work-life balance.

Taylor suggests that PMs and scheduling managers ought to focus on committing into work and projects where it is necessary to train their brains to work smarter and not harder.

A construction project manager in search of methods to improve his expertise and reduce the time spent on unproductive work is recommended to have this book.

4. Product-Led Growth: How to Build a Product That Sells Itself – By Wes Bush

The book contains all of Wes’s mistakes from his project management experience in software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The book contains all information from project development to customer frameworks, product sprints, and pricing approaches.

PMs are shown how to build their business around a product and maintain customers by giving them an outstanding experience.

5. Project Management for Non-Project Manager – By Jack Ferraro

The book mainly targets non-project managers who want to become PMs by educating them about project management principles. The book also targets those in old management roles who want to get more involved with project management.

The book contains several examples and case studies to demonstrate how PM principles can help you discover excellent performance in almost any organizational setting.

6. Getting Things Done – By David Allen

As a PM, you continuously shuffle many things. Many knowledgeable PMs swear by the GTD method of ensuring they get what they want done. The book shows you how to arrange work using simple lists and structures. Having a well-organized system is essential in putting ideas.

David Allen is recognized as the world’s leading expert on personal and organizational productivity.  

“Getting things done describes an incredibly practical process that can help busy people regain control of their lives.  It can help you be more successful.  Even more important, it can help you have a happier life!”
– Marshall Goldsmith

7. Construction Management JumpStart

This is one of the construction book suggestions for construction project managers. This book provides an introduction to construction project management basics. It will educate you about the specific industry problems, like Building Information Modelling (BIM) and sustainability.  Anyone who wants to understand the basics of construction management is advised to get the book.

Written by an expert with over 20 years of experience as a licensed contractor, the new edition of this bestselling guide has been revised and updated and is more timely than ever. Get a thorough introduction to construction management basics, see how today’s hot issues such as sustainability and Building Information Modelling (BIM) are impacting the industry, and master the very latest techniques and tools of the trade.

8. The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done – By Peter Drucker

This book is helpful to a project manager as it provides an excellent structure for effectively managing themself and others. The main message in this book is that effectualness is a habit, not a skill and that it is “getting the right things done.” 

Drucker identifies five practices essential to business effectiveness that can, and must, be learned:

  • Managing time
  • Choosing what to contribute to the organization
  • Knowing where and how to mobilize strength for best effect
  • Setting the right priorities
  • Knitting all of them together with effective decision-making

9. Doing Agile Right: Transformation Without Chaos By Darrell Rigby, Sarah Elk, and Steve Berez

The authors indicate that Agile is only powerful if project managers enforce it correctly, which is not an easy task. The book also suggests that PMs can only reap good outcomes when they understand the agile fundamentals. The book’s authors suggest that the Agile procedures encourage teams to be innovative, effective, and productive.  The key, they argue, is balance. Every organization must optimize and tightly control some of its operations. At the same time, every organization must innovate. Agile, done well, frees and facilitates vigorous innovation without sacrificing efficiency.

10. Driving Digital Strategy: A Guide to Remaining Your Business – By Sunil Gupta

The author Sunil Gupta discusses why he believes organizations ought to be open and encouraged to change their brands to fit in the recent era. In his book, he gives out examples to act for companies that would have failed had they not transformed to adapt the digital ways. The examples include:

  • The New York Times increased its newspaper activities and is now highly profitable on its online site.
  • Instead of doing away with technology, John Deere changed its farming machinery to involve data analysis and motivate innovation.

The book pinpoints how to accustom your business prototype to create an automated methodology and keep up with the upheavals in your area of profession instead of lagging behind. A project manager having a hard time keeping up with the innovations and changes within the industry is recommended to have the book in your library to help you keep pace with competitors.

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